Current Research Interests:
Insect physiology
Developmental genetics
Evolution of sociality
For more detailed information about my research experience, please see my research statement or CV.
Highlighted Publications:
1. Orr SE, Negrão Watanabe TT and Buchwalter DB. 2021. Physiological plasticity of the mayfly, Neocloeon triangulifer, in response to salinity stress in freshwater ecosystems. Environmental Pollution. 286, 117221.
2. Orr SE and Buchwalter DB. 2020. It’s all about the fluxes: temperature influences ion transport in aquatic insects. Aquatic Toxicology. 221, 105405.
3. Orr SE and Bridges CC. 2017. Chronic kidney disease and exposure to nephrotoxic metals. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 18, 1039.
Highlighted Presentations:
Orr SE and Buchwalter DB. Acclimatory limits and physiological effects of salinity exposure history in the mayfly, Neocloeon triangulifer. Platform presentation. Carolinas Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (CSETAC) 29th Annual Meeting. Virtual; May 2020. Won 1st Place Best Student Talk. Click here for presentation. Click here for award.
Orr SE and Buchwalter DB.It’s all about the fluxes: temperature influences ion transport in aquatic insects. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. Platform Presentation. Austin, TX; January 2020. Won DCPB Best Student Oral Presentation. Click here for presentation. Click here for award.
Orr SE, Barnes MC, Joshee L, Uchakina O, McKallip RJ, and Bridges CC. Potential mechanism of inorganic mercury intoxication in rat kidney cells. Poster Presentation. Society of Toxicology 57th Annual Meeting; San Antonio, Texas; March 2018. Honorable Mention for the MSBSS Graduate Student Research Award. Click here for poster.